Official Project Map It Partner

Roofers-Coffee-Shop-Logo-Square was established in 2002 by Vickie Sharples, with a little help from her friend Heidi Ellsworth, as a support site for Roofers Exchange, a newspaper focused on classified ads. Working together they named the new site RoofersCoffeeShop.
RoofersCoffeeShop creates a digital space that harkens back to when contractors used coffee shops or diners early in the morning to meet with fellow contractors and crews. While there, they were able to exchange advice, tell stories and talk business. RoofersCoffeeShop gives the roofing community a sense of past comfort and a doorway into new technologies that are essential to a strong business in today’s world.

Today the RCS team, led by Heidi Ellsworth, is proud of where the Coffee Shop has come and everything it has to offer the overall industry. The Coffee Shop is breaking new ground in digital marketing for the roofing industry. It is composed of a community of roofing professionals who share ideas, tell stories, conduct research, sell items, find items and get help.

Where the Industry Meets

Sign up for an account with to place classified ads, participate in the industry forum, and get the Week in Roofing email newsletter including recaps of every week's best in industry posts.

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