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What do I need to consider when adding a FB Link to my Reviews landing page?
In this video/article you will learn a couple of ways to add FB Recommend link to your PMI landing page
FB is tricky when it comes to the link, becuase a link on your phone usually opens up FB on a persons web browswer on their phone, NOT there FB app on there phone. So watch this video and have your team test it out prior to asking for a bunch of reviews. Here are three solutions to consider:
✅ Solution 1 (recommended) - Just put the link that goes to your FB business Page
✅ Solution 2 - A good alternative is to make the label on your landing page simply say, "FB Recommend -Easiest to leave a FB review on your computer"
✅ Solution 3 - If you put the link to where a person leaves a FB recommend in PMI, it may take them to an option to open FB up on their app, but more steps are needed and becuase a little cumbersom100