How do I add or edit the filters on my map

In this article/video, you will learn how to update/edit/add categories to your map.

Why/when would you need to add new categories?

✅  You are a new contractor and don't have many jobs yet.  You will want to manually add the categories and sub-categories so that moving forward you will have those categories in place.

✅  You realize that you don't have a specific category or sub-category and you need to add one (ex: maybe a new color of product is available and you need to add that new color).

✅  You are adding new services to your already bad ass compay and you need to include those new services as categories!

Go to the "Categories" tab on the left hand side when you login to PMI (we call the left hand side "The Dashboard".  Within this page you can:
- Add new categories or sub-categories

- Delete categories

- Rearrange the categories and sub-categories so they show up in your map filters the way you want them to (with the most important at the top)